Matthew (Matty Matt Mackaleenie) Macklin or Matt as he’s know by the people that know him. Is an artist based out of the city of Indianapolis Indiana. Raised on the mean streets of Warsaw Indiana, and born to be wild. Matt was never one to shy away from crazy stuff like going really fast on his bike down hills and stuff. Or like that one time he crossed the street when the walk sign was not on. Crazy, wild, and dangerous stuff like that. That’s just the way he was born. His mom used to say that he was born to be wild. But no one really knows for sure if that’s true.

He’s a self taught “artist” who has probably had the time to be actually taught taught, but he’d likely disagree and just continue being self taught. He’s very DIY.

His art has a tendency to look cartoony with a street and comic book art vibe added to the mix. Its silly and serious, scary, and funny. Vibrant and colorful. And all around its own thing. Be it through ink or pencil, video or sound, he’s always looking to create something new. Sometimes what he creates has meaning. Sometimes its just Spiderman.

His work has been featured in galleries, art shows, walls, a magazine one time, street signs, in bathrooms, zines, first fridays, places with doors, places without doors, outside, inside, in homes, and on the streets.

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